Saturday, 29 February 2020

A year without buying clothes...

After reading an article about not buying any new clothing for a whole year, I decided I would take part myself and see if I could go through 2020 without purchasing any new clobber!

Today is February 29, and I'm pleased to say I haven't made a single purchase of clothing this year...thus far.

I've noticed that some of my work shirts are looking a wee bit past their best, so I'm digging a bit deeper into the cupboard to find some shirts that have been lurking in there for years, some of them have never been worn. If any of my PKC colleagues notice a shirt is looking a bit sorry for itself (and me) please let me know, I won't be offended.

And that's my point, how many of us just use the top layer of t-shirts or jerseys, or the first thing that comes to hand? I start at the back of the cupboard now, and have been amazed at what I've found.

My big thing is t-shirts, I have around 200, (yes 200 !) and that's probably enough to last me for the rest of my life (I'm 54 years old). Today I'm going to sort them out and bring some of the items I've never laid eyes on for years to the top and start wearing them, If they don't fit, I'll recycle them.

My point of this post? Have a wee think about how you use clothes, do you think about it? Or are you doing just like I did, just keep buying them, and stockpiling?

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