Monday, 28 March 2016

Self Transcendence 50k, 27 March 2016

As soon as the Self Transcendence event was available to enter, I didn't hesitate. The thought of running around the North Inch in Perth 21 times (31 miles) would turn most sensible thinking people off. But I've never been accused of being sensible, so it was full steam ahead!

To add a wee bit of spice, fellow JogPKC Team Leaders Steven Watt and Matt McLay had entered too, always good to have a friendly ear now and then.

The event itself included the Anglo Celtic Plate competition, teams runners from Scotland, England and Wales competing at 100k distance, beginning at 7am, the 50k event starting at 10am.

I went down to take in the 7am start, the weather was dry, but quite cold too and there was me in t-shirt, shorts and sandals amongst people with layers and puffa jackets!

Susan and I took down the gazebo to try and stay a wee bit warm and dry (rain forecast for later), however the weather was looking up when we arrived at the Inch around 9am.

It was off to registration at Bells Sports Centre, and then get myself ready for the start. Steven and Matt arrived a wee bit later and we were all in good spirits thinking our preparations had been done properly and we were good to go.

A couple of others arrived and enquired if the gazebo was for 'all runners', we told them it wasn't but they were more than welcome to leave their drop bags there if they wished to. So, time for the pre race briefing and then the start.

And we're off! My plan was to lap the Inch (2400 metres) 4 times per hour, this would see me home in 5 and a half hours.

People generally go off fast from the start of an event, and this was no different, but using the pace timer on my watch, I settled into running 10 minute miles. Felt like I was going very slow and getting left behind, so I upped it a wee bit. A mistake right at the start, ALWAYS run your own race, don't get sucked in.

Still comfortable though, and felt great for the first 15/16 laps, here's my splits.

I'd had some great craic with a few people on the way round (and round, and round) really nice to hear the 'elite' athletes encouraging the mere mortals amongst the runners, it really is a humbling sport this ultrarunning, everyone has everyone elses back.

The 'round and round'  bit, wasn't quite sure what to expect, but it actually wasn't that bad. The stretch down by the river was hellish at times, with the wind in your face all the way to the Cenotaph thingy. Was great seeing Susan every lap and she was doing an awesome job getting me what I wanted food/drink wise and also helping the other dudes who left their stuff in the gazebo!

Plenty visitors too. Karen and Andie, Mhari and Stewart, Karen 'Jog Leader' Hughes with her partner, kid and dog!, and finally, Megan and my Mum. A big thank you to you all, it may not look like I hear your shouts of encouragement at times, but I hear them all and they are very much appreciated and at times just what you need to keep going.

Started to struggle about the end of lap 16, asking myself if I wanted to go on, and why I do this kinda stuff! 
Then, as I stopped for a wee drink before starting lap 17 Steven arrived (to lap me for the third time!) said he was having a bit of a sore calf, so we ran the next lap together nice and slow. Was really good dropping the pace a bit, chatting about how we were feeling and how each others run had went. Just what I needed at just the right time. 

Steven was then onto his last lap and to a 04:18:56 finish, absolutely awesome!

I was feeling crap, struggling to get myself going, four laps to go, 'take it one lap at a time John, one lap at a time...

As I approached the Albert monument, it dawned on me, I had ran just under 28 miles, it was a total of 31 miles in total, the Inch is almost 1.5 miles round. I had miscalculated! I only had two and half laps left! What a lift this gave me, saw Steven's wife Fiona and son Murray who were both clapping and encouraging me round, heard a " Come on JC!" shout, looked up and there was Karen, smiling and punching the air, and as I approached the end of lap 19 there was Susan, Megan my Mum, Mhari and Stewart all clapping me through and willing me on.

Two laps to go, mon then.

Had Matt in my sights all day, he was generally always a half lap ahead of me and seemed to be moving at a very settled pace for the whole event. Although he was that half lap ahead, Matt pulled me through lap 20, as I glanced across the park I knew if I kept pace with Matt, I was less than 30 minutes to the end. Keep going forward, get to the final lap.

A glance at my watch (which was on autopause) as I started lap 21  and thought "I could get under 5 hours here!" 

Right, head down, get that long wind in yer face stretch by the Tay out the way, come on! As I passed Albert for the last time that day, Stuart and Dawn Scott were there asking how I was feeling and how far I had to go. Felt great to say I was on my last half mile.

Last half mile!...looked at the watch 4:54:02...I could do this! Along past the bowling green, past the Rugby club, Bells Sports Centre, can hear Susan shouting me on, look up I can see her waving, I start crying (what's that about!) Ten yards to go, look at the watch 4:59:48...

Crossed the line in 4:59:57 (watch time) BOOM! 

The Badlands Ultras...Ooosh!

Great event, very well organised, and recommended next time it comes to Perth.



  1. Great account John, and a great time. Wish I'd seen it. Keep on keepin-on.

  2. Great account John, and a great time. Wish I'd seen it. Keep on keepin-on.
