Wednesday, 1 April 2020

A year without buying clothes (April 1 2020)

Little did I know that when I used the word 'stockpiling' in February's post that along with 'unprecedented' they would become the words of 2020

I ran the Meadows Half Marathon at the end of February and received my first race t-shirt of the year. Turns out it could be the last for a while...
However, the plan was to give them to charity or a good cause, but I think Susan has eyes on it!

Prior to the week we commenced lockdown Susan and I were scheduled to have a week in Madeira. This got cancelled (thankfully!) two days before we were due to fly out. So instead we had a week in a camper van travelling around Scotland, and I took the same clothes I had packed for the sun. I made sure that all of the clothes I had hadn't been worn for a wee while, it was good to give them an 'airing'

This is maybe the first time in my (almost) adult life that I haven't bought something new for going on holiday!

So we're now in lockdown and I'm using this time as an opportunity to further explore all of my clothes, I'd encourage you to do the same, dig into the back of a cupboard or the bottom of a drawer to find that old gem you used to love wearing, and let it back loose into the world!

My Facebook memory today threw up this image from Pitlochry 7 years ago...

I took the time today to dig that same t-shirt out, the logo? (if you know you know!)

#wedontneednewstuff #lovetheclothesyouhave

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